I have a lot that I must say.
May this is heartfelt praise express it:
"Oh Lord, through thy largesse this day
I have a lot--that I must say--
To thank Thee for. I can't repay
In kind thay kindness, but I bless it."
"I need to have no faith in God."
So once I said with deep-felt doubt.
Here, now, and everywhere I've trod,
I need to have no faith in God?
I could not ever give the nod
To life on earth with God left out.
When God is in the human heart,
Then faith is not a human need.
Man's work, his every hope, his art
(When God is in the human heart)
Builds goodness steadily from its start,
And grace will burgeon, grow and breed.
I have a lot that I must say.
May this, in heartfelt praise, express it.
(C) August 1995 Charles L. Prazak