What presubstantial somethings
whirl and race--
Arraying veil-like latent energies
Of vacuous darks in mind's unbounded space!
How dreamings gleam--expand like galaxies!
Do stars implode? Oblivial black holes
Of doubt ensnare the whirling spheres of thought:
Belief-qualm, fancy-fact--opposing poles--
Discharge, in lightning arcs, to naught.
Great nova--endless quanta, time and mass
Bring streaming, swirling bodies: blazing stars
Of puzzle substance (Lucid? Valid? Crass?)
With concepts orbiting, like Earth or Mars.
Quark, atom, cosmos.... From our earthly globe,
What congeries of wonderments to probe!
Where cogent sense and witless wish collide,
Will astromantic idiocies abide?
(C) May 1996 Charles L.