My window
frames this end-of-day's
Cloud-free sky of pristine blue,
Tinged with sunset's final rays.
I see, though, past the rose-red hue
Sunset's aftermath, that flare,
Lightening-like, in awesome green,
Raying out. It fades; but there,
Hanging high, first hardly seen:
Sudden swirls of glow appear--
Glancing purples gleaming bright,
Shimmering from the mesosphere,
Glimmering to grace the night.
My day went by without event
Until I did my final chore,
Cleared my desk; but as I went
Downstairs, down to the door,
I shed my work-day thought and worry.
Day's-end turned out not quite complete:
Surprise came in a flash, a flurry
In the homing crowd: We meet,
Eye-to-eye, but both walk on;
Then quickly we both turn and stare--
Together call our names: "Charles/John..."
We both together ask,"Hey, where...?"
How fresh they come to us again--
Those long-past days and years: two friends
Recall them: "...and remember when...?"
How richly now this dull day ends!
(C) March 1996
Charles L. Prazak